The ICAO Secretary General paid a visit to ASECNA
The ICAO Secretary General paid a visit to ASECNA
The Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization visited ASECNA installations in Dakar on April, 30. Doctor Fang Liu firstly went to the Regional Centre of Air Navigation -Centre Régional de Navigation Aérienne (CRNA). She was led through by the centre technicians; she visited the technical room, control room and simulation room.
The Secretary General keenly followed explanations given on the functioning of CRNA and said she was impressed by the quality of the communication, navigation and surveillance equipment.
Doctor Fang Liu later called on ERNAM- the Regional School of Air Navigation and Management. After having been upgraded to the Full member of the ICAO TRAINAIR PLUS programme, ERNAM additionally harbours the ICAO AVSEC Centre and offers various trainings on security. The Secretary General also spent some time in the lecture rooms and witnessed practicals where trainees were being introduced to security devices usage. She was also briefed on the annual syllabus and the courses modules slated for this year at ERNAM.
Doctor Fang Liu concluded her tour by exploring the ground station. A full presentation on all devices deployed by ASECNA to ensure optimum conditions for communications with aircrafts, and among control centres was shared with her.
At the end of her visit, Doctor Fang Liu uttered her admiration for the seamless operational performances of ASECNA. She then presented the Director General with a medal as a way of appreciating the strong involvement of ASECNA in the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Chicago Convention.
On behalf of ASECNA, the Director General, Mr. Amadou Ousmane GUITTEYE also gave a symbolic gift to the ICAO Secretary General.
It is worthy to point out that Doctor Fang Liu, being a Chinese national, took office as the ICAO Secretary General on August 01, 2015 for a three-year term of office. She is the first female and the second person originating from the Asia-Pacific Region to become a Secretary General of such an institution, which is specialized in managing the world civil aviation.