ASECNA is an International public institution, which is governed by the 2010 revised Dakar Convention. It has a legal personality and enjoys a financial autonomy. It was established on December 12, 1959 at Saint Louis in Senegal. The Agency for the Safety of Air Navigation in Africa and Madagascar (ASECNA) still remains an accomplished model of collaborative management of airspaces after more than half a century.
Our main mission consists in ensuring safety in air navigation.
In order to cover an airspace surface area of about 16 100 000 km2 (1, 5 times the surface area of Europe) that is divided into 6 flight information regions (F.I.R) as defined by the International Civil Aviation Organization, the Agency is mandated to discharge the following:
- Providing en-route air navigation services in the airspaces, coupled with organizing the airspaces and air routes in compliance with the ICAO provisions, publishing aeronautical information, forecasting and transmitting information related to aviation meteorology.
- Defining specifications relative to functions, systems and devices as well as defining implemented working procedures and methods, including those relative to the study, specifications about procurement, reception, installation, technical control, in addition to the ones to be kept under operational condition, operation of equipment and installations, systems of communication, navigation, surveillance, air traffic management and aviation meteorology. It is also responsible for defining the implementation of safety and quality management system pursuant to the ICAO standards and recommended practices.
- Providing aerodromes under its control with air traffic, approach and aerodromes services in addition to firefighting and aircraft rescue services. It also has to publish aeronautical information, conduct forecast and transmit aviation meteorology information.
- Managing schools and offering courses to solve the challenges of civil aviation
As part of our direct missions we can also conduct studies and provide related services.