Les routes du ciel, notre métier...


ASECNA is working relentlessly to achieve the integration of the African Sky; it also maintains economic and technical cooperation with European countries, and more generally with countries around the world; a fundamental option so as to tackle all challenges arising from aviation business.
It forges special relationships with:

  • The Member countries

The member States in their move to improve upon safety and security are being supported by ASECNA. It therefore invests itself in a series of bilateral and regional activities namely:
• On the project relative to the creation of AAMAC- African and Malagasy Civil Aviation Authorities. The aim is to harmonize regulations in the area of civil aviation;
• In the implementation of the ICAO supervisory audit programme in its main airports;
• In the creation of an AVSEC/ICAO training centre on airport security.

  • International bodies

ASECNA forges special relationships with international bodies working in the field of civil aviation such as:

  • ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation)

In its capacity as an observer or through its experts appointed by its member States, ASECNA attends all regional and international meetings under the aegis of ICAO.

  • WMO (World Meteorological Organisation)

ASECNA has the status of observer at the WMO. It regularly participates in the meetings of the organization such as congresses, executive council and various technical commissions. It develops cooperation with the WMO as part of coordination strengthening with the NMDs (National Meteorological Departments)

  • IATA (International Air Transport Association)

Aware of the importance of dialogue with the users of its services, ASECNA maintains a close partnership with IATA through:
- Two (2) annual meetings devoted respectively to
- The monitoring of investments in the field of air navigation safety
- The negotiating of en-route, landing and beaconing tariffs.
- Consultations holding during the development of investment plans related to the ICAO regional AFI programming.
Being that original inter-States institution, unique of its kind, ASECNA keeps up on-going relationships with several organizations notably:

  • ITU (International Telecommunications Union),
  • SITA etc.
  • AFCAC (African Civil Aviation Commission).

Besides, ASECNA is a member of:

  • ITA (Institut du Transport Aérien) and of
  • ACI (Airports Council International)

States or State-owned institutions, providers of air navigation services in the adjacent airspaces.

Bilateral cooperation agreements materialize the willingness to commonly strive so as to provide the best service to all users, among whom: 

AENA (Espagne-Las Palmas)  GCAA (Gambie)
 ANA (Guinée)  Soudan du Sud
 ASA (Cap-Vert)  NAMA (Nigeria)
 ONDA (Maroc)  ATNS (Afrique du Sud)
 ENASA (Sao Tomé et Principe)  RVA (Congo Démocratique)
 ENNA (Algérie)  Lybie
 ENANA (Angola)  FAA (USA)
 NAMA (Nigeria)  Rwanda

Adjacent Firs

  • ACCRA FIR (Ghana)
  • ROBERTS FIR (Guinea-Conakry, Liberia, Sierra Leone)

The abovementioned cooperation agreements cover a variety of areas including:
Information and experience sharing

  • operational coordination
  • Training
  • Personnel exchanges
  • Flight calibration
  • Maintenance

The cooperation policy adopted by ASECNA enables it not only to enhance a quality service provision but also to contribute to the development of the air safety in the AFI zone, and even beyond. To that effect initiatives are regularly taken by the Agency through the organization of international events to facilitate coordination at multilateral or regional levels.


Confronted with current and future challenges, ASECNA develops a solid partnership network covering different domains, in order to well master technological progresses occurring in its sector of intervention as well as extend its scope of activities.


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